Welcome to the kooky pens blog! Dedicated to the collection of kooky pens. Gotta catch'em all!

Kooky Pens

If you enjoy writing and using a pen, chances are you've heard of kooky pens! Legend has it that kooky pens mysteriously started to appear around 2004 in shops everywhere. And together with their mysterious appearance, they started to become all the rage, causing a kooky pen phenomena like has never been seen before.

Kooky pens, known often just as kooky klicker pens, are cute and fun little pens with kooky, funny faces and colors that are sure to make you enjoy using them to write. They can be used for many things, like writing, as clips, for collections, for sharing and trading with your friends, as gift ornaments or just as gifts.

In this site, you can find a lot of fun information about kooky pens that you are looking to collect. Kooky pens are fun, and so it's nice to collect and keep them.

Kooky pens are also very special because sometimes, only a few of some pens are made and it is hard for people to find them. But still there are many places you can find them if you are planning to buy some kooky pens and add them to your collection. One of the places you can find kooky pens is here.


Kooky Pens